
to life through art. Responding

to art with life.

Ashley Olson

Respond Arts, LLC

Arts Education Consulting,Programming, & Administration

Get To Know Me

Hi, My name is Ashley Olson and I am an international educator, teaching artist, and administrator with over 15 years of experience in education and a lifelong engagement in artistic expression. I believe that the visual and performing arts are an essential and powerful tool for processing life. My mission through Respond Arts, LLC is to bring custom arts education programming and support to people seeking skills to understand the world around them.

Respond Arts


Arts Education Consulting

Gain insight on the arts education opportunities in your school or organization and receive design, planning, and administrative support.  

Custom Arts Education Programming

Theatre and arts education programming curricula custom designed for your goals and centered around cultural, social, and unique student needs.

International Arts Exchange

Connecting youth arts initiatives, practices, and performance across the globe.


Jennifer Miranda Holmes PhD

Executive Director, Pace Performing Arts; Founder & Director, Global Empowerment  

"Ashley is a talented, organized, and pragmatic administrator who communicates with clarity and purpose. She successfully ran international arts programming for years and I have the utmost confidence in her skills as a program director, facilitator, and administrator. Respond Arts is sure to be a success!"

"Ashley is a compassionate teacher with a deep commitment to students and facilitating their social and artistic growth. she is especially adept at creating unique activities that allow students to have agency and teach valuable skills such as collaboration, communication, and trust in oneself and others."

Leigh Mallone

Education Director

Northwest Children's Theatre and School

Ahmed Ali Mohammed (Bello)

Acting Head of Kwarara Media Education Center, Ministry of Education Zanzibar

"Ashley taught, showed, and directed me how theatre can be used to improve language skills in students. I am very proud and lucky to have met and worked with her because I recognized a new pedagogy of teaching children and adults."

Personal Work Highlights

Global Empowerment Theatre

Teaching artist and East African Program Director for 8+ years.

20 Year Career in Education

From teaching early childhood and literacy programming to educational leadership and arts administration. View Ashley's Full CV Here

Job Hunting for Fresh Graduates

Employment guide published in the SBU Alumni Linkage

School Leadership

Ashley has served the Principal/Head of School for 3 organizations in 3 different countries.

Ashley Olson

Arts Education Consulting,

Programming, & Administration

Work With Me

Email Address

Phone Number

503 516 8830